Development, Problems and Reforms of Welfare States: The German Case

Introduction, historical and theoretical background

  1. What is Social Policy? What does “Welfare State” mean?

  2. Where does it come from?

  3. Theories and Types of Welfare States and Welfare State Research (Esping-Andersen et al. and beyond)

Roth, Günter (2008): Welfare state reforms: theoretical background (Presentation download) (oa).  

Basic reading:

Dean, Hartley (2006): Social Policy, Cambridge: Polity Press, p. 1-40, download (cc).

Further reading:

Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1990): The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990, 9 – 54, download (cc).

Arts, Wil/Gelissen, John (2002): Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism or more? A state-of-the-art report, Journal of European Social Policy 12(2), 137-158, download (cc).

Introduction for beginners:

Spicker, Paul, et al. (2007): Introduction to Social Policy, (a brief overview) (oa).

Welfare State Regress in Western Europe

Roth, Günter (2008): Welfare state reforms: Old and new politics or: ‘does politics (left/right) still matter? And: is there an alternative to the ‚race to the bottom‘? (Presentation download), (oa)

Basic reading:

Korpi, Walter (2006): Welfare-State Regress in Western Europe: Politics, Institutions, Globalization, and Europeanization, in: Pierson, Christopher/Castles, Francis G. (Eds.), The Welfare State Reader (2. Ed.), Cambridge UK: Polity Press, 200-225, download (oa) (similar working-paper).

see also Seminar ‚Sozialpolitik in Europa‘: Wohlfahrtsstaatsreformen

Continuity and Change: The Reforming German Welfare State

  1. Brief Introduction / historical development

  2. Basics of Political System (Policy, Politics and Polity)

  3. Main Problems and Reforms (Health-Insurance; Unemployment-Insurance/Social Assistance ...; case studies/presentations of working-groups)

Basic Reading:

Schmidt, Manfred G. (2002): Elasticity of Social Security: The Federal Republic of Germany in a comparative perspective, in: Berghman J. et al. (eds.): Social Security in Transition, The Hague et al.: Kluwer International, 35-46, download (cc)

Leibfried, Stephan & Obinger, Herbert (2003): The State of the Welfare State: German Social Policy between Macroeconomic Retrenchment and Microeconomic Recalibration, West European Politics, 26: 199-218, download (cc)

Further Reading:

Alber, Jens (2003): Recent developments in the German welfare state: basic continuity or paradigm shift? In: Neil, Gilbert/Van Voorhis, Rebecca (Ed.): Changing patterns of Social Protection, London: Transaction, p 9-74 download (cc).

Streeck, Wolfgang/Trampusch, Christine (2005): Economic Reform and the Political Economy of the German Welfare State, Working Paper 05/2, Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung Köln, (oa).

Introduction and reading for beginners:

Basic Information about the German Social Security System: (oa)

Health Care Reform in Germany

Altenstetter, Christa/Busse, Reinhard (2005): Health Care Reform in Germany: Patchwork Change within Established Governance Structures, in: Journal of Health Politics and Law, Vol. 30, Nos. 1-2, 121-142 download (cc).

Lisac, Melanie. "Health care reform in Germany (2006): Not the big bang". Health Policy Monitor, November 2006, (oa)

The German Long-Term Care System

Roth, Günter/Reichert, Monika (2004): Providing integrated Health and Social Care for Older Persons in Germany, in: Leichsenring, Kai/Alaszewski (Eds.), Aldershot: Ashgate, 269-328. download (part 1) download (part 2) (oa).

Arntz, Melanie et al. (2007): The German Long-Term Care Insurance: Structure and Reform Options IZA Discussion PapersNo. 2625, Link to IZA, Download (oa).

Reforming Unemployment Insurance and Social Welfare (Sozialhilfe) in Germany

Kemmerling, Achim/Bruttel, Oliver (2006): ‘New Politics’ in German Labour Market Policy? The Implications of the Recent Hartz Reforms for the German Welfare State, West European Politics 29/1, 90-112.