Alterung, demographischer Wandel, Pflege und Gesundheitspolitik

Grundlegend u. themenübergreifend:

EU-Commission (2007): The Social Situation in the European Union 2005-2006: The Balance between Generations in an Ageing Europe, Luxembourg (Link /Download) (oa).

Siehe div. weitere Berichte bei: EU-Kommission: Abteilung Beschäftigung und Soziales

Alterung und demographischer Wandel als Problem oder Mythos von Wohlfahrtsstaaten

Castles, Francis G. (2004): The Future of the Welfare State: Crisis Myths and Crisis Realities, Oxford: Univ. Press, (Chapter 6: Population Ageing and the Public Purse and Chapter 7: Birth Rate Blues: A Real Crisis in the Making?, 117-166, download (cc).


Wendt, Claus/Thompson, Theresa (2004): Social Austerity versus Structural Reform in European Health Systems: A Four-Country Comparison of Health Reforms, in: International Journal of Health Services, Vol. 34, No. 3, 415-433, download (cc).

Urban, Hans-Jürgen (2003): Europäisierung der Gesundheitspolitik, Arbeitspapier der AG Public Health, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, download (oa).

Altenhilfe und Altenpflegepolitik

Theobald, Hildegard (2005): Social Exclusion and Care for the Elderly: Theoretical Concepts and Changing Realities in European Welfare States, Working Paper, AG Public Health, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, download (oa).

OECD (2005): Long Term Care for Older People, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Paris, download (oa).

OASIS (2003): Old Age and Autonomy: The Role of Service Systems and Intergenerational Family Solidarity, Final Report (Edited by Ariela Lowenstein & Jim Ogg), Haifa, download

EUROFAMCARE (2006): Services for Supporting Family Carers of Elderly People in Europe: Characteristics, Coverage and Usage, Reports and Downloads s.